getting aubio installed

OSX package manager homebrew

  • open the terminal
  • paste: bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • you will need to be online for this to happen

Get python3

On OSX, python2 is installed and should not be interfered with. Instead, use the package manager above to install python3.

brew install python3

Once this has completed, you can install aubio. To do this, I used:

python3 -m pip install aubio

There will be errors on the screen while the installer finds dependencies like numpy, but once it is completed, you should have a working version of aubio on your machine.

Check by typing

aubio -h

You should see something like this show up:

`usage: aubio [-h] [-V] …

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -V, –version show version


help         show help message
onset        estimate time of onsets (beginning of sound event)
pitch        estimate fundamental frequency (monophonic)
beat         estimate location of beats
tempo        estimate overall tempo in bpm
notes        estimate midi-like notes (monophonic)
mfcc         extract Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients
melbands     extract energies in Mel-frequency bands
quiet        extract timestamps of quiet and loud regions
cut          slice at timestamps

use “aubio –help” for more info about each command`

Slice up a file with aubio

Take an audio file and slice it up..

First navigate to the folder where your file is:

  • cd path/to/your/folder
  • e.g. cd "/Users/mparker/Downloads/Sound Recording Task"

Next, run aubio on one of the files

aubio cut /path/to/filename

– hit enter and see little slices of audio appear in the folder you navigated to

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