A taster of all the things that came out of the workshop with Priscilla Chueng-Nainby and Rocio von Jungenfeld: collaborative deconstruction, construction and reconstruction of Jenkins ‘Game Design as Narrative Architecture’ into a collective weaved imagery. M&C students weaving narratives into a collective web in the Atrium, Alison House 25th Sep.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
DDM Final Project- Lux in Dominus
Lux in Dominus from Wian H and Josh Sabin on Vimeo.
DDM Final Project – Flowing Life
DMSP – Non-Linear Narratives
3D stereoscopic filming workshop
S3D workshop in Alison House and surroundings (Edinburgh) with Ludger Pfanz and Martin Morlock (HfG Karlsruhe/ZKM) on Friday 1st March 2013. MSc students discovering 3D film on a professional all-in-one 3D digital camera.
Pictures by Ludger Pfanz