From Jane Furness, ECA Librarian.
We would like to remind you of all the online library resources which you and your students can use for learning, teaching and research:
Your first port of call for ebooks and full text ejournals is DiscoverEd:
For ESALA, I would like to recommend the following:
The Architecture & Landscape Architecture Subject Guide:
The Architecture & Landscape Architecture journal article databases webpage:
[2 recent new additions to our portfolio of Subject Guides are an ‘Architectural History’ Subject Guide and an ‘Islamic Art and Architecture’ Subject Guide].For History of Art, I would like to recommend the following:
The History of Art Subject Guide:
The History of Art journal article databases webpage:
For Art & Design, I would like to recommend the following:
The Art & Design Subject Guide:
The new ‘ECA Artists Books’ Subject Guide:
The Art & Design journal article databases webpage:
For Music, I would like to recommend the following:
The Music Subject Guide:
The Jazz Subject Guide:
The Music journal article databases webpage:
Two new database acquisitions which are now live are the Yale Art&Architecture ePortal, and the Bloomsbury Architecture e-Library. Over the summer we have also arranged a deal with ProQuest giving us access to 350 of their online database resources, and more news will be released about this soon at
I would also like to recommend and ask you to help promote our new Learn self-enrol course for all UG students, called LibSmart, which provides a series of modules to improve students’ information literacy skills, including referencing. This new course was built by the Academic Support Librarian team over the summer and goes live on 7th September. Please see
Please remember that if you would like the library to order new books you can use the online recommendation form at any time:
You can access the full list of subject guides at