HYBRID teaching in Art

HYBRID approach in School of Art:

innovative and resilient, online-offline model of teaching provision drawing on the University of Edinburgh Near Future Teaching Project

For background, see book chapter by Neil Mulholland: link-springer-com.ezproxy.is.ed.ac.uk/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-20629-1_6


What currently synchronous teaching (course inductions, lectures, demonstrations, etc.), can be easily made asynchronous?

  • e.g. record course inductions, lectures and demonstrations in advance and place in the VLE.
  • Follow up asynchronous with synchronous Q&A on Blackboard Collaborate.

Aim to teach all synchronous activity on campus at 2m distance.
If campus is closed; have a clear backup plan to teach synchronously online.
only schedule synchronous activity on campus if it can be backed-up online. Only assess an assignment/LO if it can be assessed online. No backup, don’t run it!

Need to accommodate different time zones:

  • ∴ use of Calendy for 1:1 appointments and surgeries calendly.com (tells local time in the zone students are working in)
  • ∴ running repeat sync Q&A sessions for groups using Blackboard Collaborate
  • ∴ Mixed mode triad crits: 1x staff, 1x student on campus, 1x student online. Enables 2m social distancing while keeping on/off campus students in dialogue. Minimises transactional distance elearningindustry.com/tips-minimize-transactional-distance-elearning.
  • Telepresence to minimise transactional distance.: placing “always- on” or “drop-in” VoIP camera and monitor in each studio to ensure that staff and students can study together at any time.
  • Use of time-boxed stand-up meetings on MS Teams for courses to minimise transactional distance. Stand-ups last no more than 15mins and take place 2-3 time per week. Keeps people connected and informed. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand-up_meeting

List of tools that are currently being used for synchronous teaching in the School of Art:

  • MS Teams (using groups set up by Admin) / MS Teams can also be used for formative feedback
  • Blackboard Collaborate (set up within MyEd and add to Learn)
  • Skype (for Business)
  • Whiteboard in Microsoft Office 365 for live whiteboarding
  • WordPress can be adapted for live conferences and webinars:
    – Conferencer for WP BuddyPress for WP
    – Hopin for live conferences and webinars hopin.to/

Synchronous resources used outside of University of Edinburgh that students often use for their work:

  • Zoom for very large groups; webinars; large swarms, hackathons, edit-athons. (NB: University of Edinburgh doesn’t recommend Zoom; it’s known to spread malware.)
  • House Party for larger groups that want to have breakout rooms (Quarantini) netsanity.net/what-is-house-party-app/
  • Whatsapp (secure end-to-end but need mobile numbers)
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • minecraft.net and other sandboxes people meet in virtually such as Roblox, etc.

Asynchronous, Time-Shifting

List of resources that are currently being used for asynchronous teaching in the School of Art, supported by UoE IS:

Asynchronous workspaces currently being used for asynchronous teaching in the School of Art (non-UoE supported):

[From Neil Mulholland]