Karlheinz Stockhausen – “Hymnen” 13th February 2015

DCF 1.0

Concert: 7pm
There will be a short interval.
Tickets by reservation: Eventbrite – Hymnen

Please note: latecomers will NOT be admitted.

Playfair Library, Old College, University of Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Karlheinz Stockhausen’s 2 hour piece for 4-channel tape is presented in its entirety with an introductory talk by Dr Sean Williams, and a short interval between Regions II and III.

This piece was realised between 1966 and 1967 at the WDR Studio for Electronic Music, Cologne. Jaap Spek was the main technician, with David C Johnson stepping in part-way through. Werner Scholz and Mesias Maiguashca also assisted in the realisation at various points.

This is the culmination of Stockhausen’s electronic music composition at the WDR Studios before the advent of the commercial synthesizer. This piece features many national anthems used as raw materials for transformation with the by now familiar electronic test equipment accumulated since 1953.

“Hymnen” has been performed in three different versions: with orchestra; with soloists (this version has been withdrawn); from 4-channel tape. This is a rare chance to hear the full 2 hour version for 4-channel tape.

Please note that latecomers will not be admitted, and seats not taken within 10 minutes of the performance will be offered to people without tickets on a first come first served basis.