Sound Design masters concert 18-08-2014

This concert features several live performances and screenings including:

  • Timo Preece’s Attention Intention, a multi-channel audiovisual performance that explores the intersection where spontaneous musical expression meets refined automated control.
  • Marco Mellis’ Emergent sound, a live performance exploring micro-time sounds and recursive neural networks that tries to discover paths of sense where distinct sound objects become “the solids whose turn has come to be thrown into the melting pot and which are in the process of being melted at the present time, the time of fluid modernity” (Zygmunt Bauman, Liquid Modernity, 2000).
  • Wolfgang Thomas’ Augmentation of urban sonic environments, a live performance controlled entirely by brainwaves, making the piece a subconscious interplay between the performer’s listening mind and the stimuli it receives.
  • John Loranger’s surround sound film Inaudible that examines the acoustic ecology of wind farms through an audiovisual documentary.