Martin Parker
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Special thanks to the DXARTS group and Joseph Anderson for their contribution of three full playlists of work in b-format. PLAYLIST: DXARTS A DURATION: 69’16” NAME: ANDERSON, Joseph SOUND_FILE(S): DXARTS_A01_anderson_kyai_44k_24b.wav TITLE/YEAR:Kyai Pranaja (1998) DURATION:19’41” NOTES: Kyai Pranaja translates into English as something like “from the heart” or “from the interior”. The suspension of moments, manifestations of veiled harmonies, the shifting of masses, these are born from the inner spaces.. Read More
Born in Melbourne Australia, Paul Doornbusch is a composer, sonologist, researcher and occasional performer who works largely with algorithmic composition systems for traditional instruments and electronics. Doornbusch has also been involved in media works such as Place-Hampi, Sacred Ankor and the Common Ground commission for Melbourne’s Commonwealth Games. Appointed to the International Who’s Who of Music and Musicians, Doornbusch’s musical works are mostly algorithmic in nature and involve computers, or.. Read More
Each of the compositions submitted by Michael Brown from the University of Derby draws material narrative design from self-crafted moving images. The moving images are derived from a number of visual source materials developed in Adobe Photoshop and animated in U&I Software Artmatic. The music is assembled in the DAW Reaper A fundamental theme of the three compositions is the synchronisation of musical form with moving visual design so.. Read More
New York Review of Books:
You can reserve tickets for our symposium on place – the challenge of sound in gallery spaces below: Sell Tickets through Eventbrite
Performed on the 24th January, 8pm, Georgian Gallery, Talbot Rice. Reserve Tickets. Please bring your smartphone fully charged. Sébastien and Tim explore mobile technology as a medium for sound diffusion. Audience members can join in by simply connecting to a specific website with their mobile phone, laptop or tablet. The connected devices become an array of speakers that the performers can control live, resulting in an omni-directional sonic experience. This.. Read More
Photographs by Stuart Fallon
Monday the 8th of December, 10am-4pm This free workshop with composer and sound artist Marcin Pietruszewski offers those already familiar with computer audio a thorough introduction to the Supercollider language and the synthesis server. Supercollider is an extremely flexible, free and open-source audio application. The workshop aims to be an informal introduction to algorithmic/generative music, GUI design, live coding and digital sound synthesis and we’ll plug the sounds you produce.. Read More
Composer and sound artist Agostino Di Scipio explores the generation and transmission of sound, often experimenting with the phenomena of emergence in chaotic dynamics. He’s best-known for his live solo electronics concerts and sound installations where cybernetic principles and ‘man-machine-environonment’ networks of sonic interactions are implemented and creatively elaborated (e.g. the Audible Ecosystemics series of pieces, and the more recent Modes of Interference series). Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite
Monday the 19th January 2015 This free workshop with Varun Nair, co-Founder of 3D sound technology company Two Big Ears will host a workshop introducing an app building toolkit that will get you designing sound and composing for mobile platoform Android. Bring your own headphones and a We will be using a platform called MobMuPlat. It’s built around libpd/Pure Data and makes it easier to deploy mobile apps without.. Read More