gap in the air: a festival of sonic art

Talbot Rice Gallery, 15 Nov 2014 - 14 Feb 2015

the reach playlist

The reach playlist is up featuring sounds and music from around the world. Special thanks to all contributions, it sounds fantastic in there and the range of work is incredibly rich. Below is a listing of the main contributors with links to details of each submission: Spanish online label Audiotalaia submitted an expansive collection of works released between 2009 and 2014, curated by Edu Comelles.   Full details of the.. Read More

reach playlist – audiotalaia

Works released between 2009 – 2014 Curated by: Edu Comelles. Audiotalaia is an online platform, a netlabel and a joint venture devoted to release, promote and produce works based on sound in Spain and abroad. We are a very open minded platform seeking to present to the world a wide range of ways to work within what’s being known for the last few years as sound art. Audiotalaia might be.. Read More

reach playlist – Owen Green

Danger in the Air (2006) is an improvising space for a performer (or possibly more), interacting with the electronic component through a Soundfield microphone with the aid of objects of limited musical potential, known as ‘infra-instruments’ . Most often, I use infra-gongs in the form of track shelving brackets—along with direct handling of the microphone—as my central sound making means. At work in this piece is a quite deliberate juxtaposition.. Read More

reach playlist – José Rafael Subía Valdez

José Rafael Subía Valdez QUANTUM – [duration 7:34] Quantum is an electroacoustic/audiovisual piece that works a recurrent conceptual idea used by the artist. It consists on the rescaling of different objects/phenomenons, like shrinking an explosion or magnifying a piece of cotton, allowing a different appreciation of them. Quantum is inspired in the idea of “atomic sound”. It was composed using different synthesis and and DSP techniques like VASP and granular.. Read More

reach playlist – DXARTS

Special thanks to the DXARTS group and Joseph Anderson for their contribution of three full playlists of work in b-format. PLAYLIST: DXARTS A DURATION: 69’16” NAME: ANDERSON, Joseph SOUND_FILE(S): DXARTS_A01_anderson_kyai_44k_24b.wav TITLE/YEAR:Kyai Pranaja (1998) DURATION:19’41” NOTES: Kyai Pranaja translates into English as something like “from the heart” or “from the interior”. The suspension of moments, manifestations of veiled harmonies, the shifting of masses, these are born from the inner spaces.. Read More

reach playlist – Paul Doornbusch

Born in Melbourne Australia, Paul Doornbusch is a composer, sonologist, researcher and occasional performer who works largely with algorithmic composition systems for traditional instruments and electronics.  Doornbusch has also been involved in media works such as Place-Hampi, Sacred Ankor and the Common Ground commission for Melbourne’s Commonwealth Games.  Appointed to the International Who’s Who of Music and Musicians, Doornbusch’s musical works are mostly algorithmic in nature and involve computers, or.. Read More

reach playlist – Michael Brown

Each of the compositions submitted by Michael Brown from the University of Derby draws material narrative design from self-crafted moving images. The moving images are derived from a number of visual source materials developed in Adobe Photoshop and animated in U&I Software Artmatic. The music is assembled in the DAW Reaper A fundamental theme of the three compositions is the synchronisation of musical form with moving visual design so.. Read More