gap in the air: a festival of sonic art

Talbot Rice Gallery, 15 Nov 2014 - 14 Feb 2015

touch here to begin – throughout January 2015

Touch here to begin features the brand new work of four sonic artists based in Edinburgh, each one using smartphones or tablets in some way. Adam Campbell’s new project Recurring Points brings a series of sonic sculptures for Android OS to the Georgian Gallery. Kirsty Keatch has built Katakata, a Jacob’s Ladder that responds to the movements of your mobile phone. Christos Michalakos’ Skins and Stones is a responsive automated.. Read More

Katakata by Kirsty Keatch

  Kirsty Keatch is a sound design researcher, who’s work is focused on designing interactions with sound to benefit inclusive user experience. Katakata is a kinetic sound sculpture that can be triggered using the visitor’s smart phone. By using the orientation of the mobile device through a web-based application,  the user can interact with the sculpture, manipulating subtle variations of it’s sound in real time.

recurring points by Adam Campbell

Sound artist Adam Campbell presents three audio visual pieces exploring nonlinear generative processes using dynamical systems. Patterns of sound, shape and colour develop and mutate in relation to external conditions within the gallery, leading to the emergence of new forms and structures. Audio and visual components are synthesized in real time, where an analysis of sound within the gallery influences subsystems which determine their timbral and formal characteristics.  Each piece’s.. Read More

Fields, Tablets and Skins – 24th Jan 2015

Doors open 8pm, Georgian Gallery, Talbot Rice. Ticket reservations below. This concert features three sets by performers with very different backgrounds and styles, but all re-purposing contemporary technologies for live performance. Marco Melis will perform Silence, a provocative set made up of micro-sonic gestures driven by a Wacom graphics tablet. Christos Michalakos will premier Torrrque performance around his installation skins and stones. This involves a drum kit augmented with lights,.. Read More

Torrrque by Christos Michalakos

This piece will be performed on the 24th January at our Fields, Tablets, Skins concert, 8pm. Reserve tickets. Torrrque is a new work by Christos Michalakos using light, space and his electronically augmented drum-kit, to be premiered at the Talbot Rice Gallery on the 24th January in Edinburgh. It follows Frrriction, performed at the Reid Concert Hall, and Trrraction, performed at Inspace, as part of the What is sound design…?.. Read More

Fields by Tim Shaw & Sébastien Piquemal

Performed on the 24th January, 8pm, Georgian Gallery, Talbot Rice. Reserve Tickets. Please bring your smartphone fully charged. Sébastien and Tim explore mobile technology as a medium for sound diffusion. Audience members can join in by simply connecting to a specific website with their mobile phone, laptop or tablet. The connected devices become an array of speakers that the performers can control live, resulting in an omni-directional sonic experience. This.. Read More