marcin_00Monday the 8th of December, 10am-4pm


This free workshop with composer and sound artist Marcin Pietruszewski offers those already familiar with computer audio a thorough introduction to the Supercollider language and the synthesis server. Supercollider is an extremely flexible, free and open-source audio application. The workshop aims to be an informal introduction to algorithmic/generative music, GUI design, live coding and digital sound synthesis and we’ll plug the sounds you produce into the gap in the air ambisonic sound system at the end of workshop.The workshop should leave you with a clear idea of what’s possible to achive with this incredible sound processing language.
Bring your own headphones and a laptop with SuperCollider installed. If you have trouble installing this software please come half an hour early and we will help.


The latest SuperCollider version (3.6.6) can be downloaded from here:


Tickets are free, but places are limited. Please reserve these in advance below