February – Limits to Growth by Owen Green and Martin Parker has just been installed. This is a sonic parasite that feeds from the auditory environment of the gallery space in order to make itself heard. Over the course of its infestation, its relationship to the environment will change. Initially, the system is closed, prescribed and deterministic. However, as time passes a sequence of interventions from Owen and Martin will.. Read More
Limits to Growth
Nature is the last thematic section of gap in the air. The present installation focuses in on the sound within this specific gallery space by appropriating uncalled for and unwanted noises and, in doing so, directly addresses one of the overarching questions posed by gap in the air: How does sonic art challenge art galleries? Limits to Growth (2015) by Owen Green & Martin Parker Limits to Growth is a.. Read More
orientation overview
touch here to begin – throughout January – presenting the work of University staff, students and recent graduates, touch here to begin features works that test the potential of mobile technologies in a gallery settings. Works by Adam Campbell, Kirsty Keatch, Christos Michalakos and Martin Parker explore how smart-technologies can involve us in dynamic listening experiences. If you have one, bring your smart phone along. 19 January – A mobile.. Read More
reach overview
2–20 December – reach explores sound as a connector across distance. Selected from an open call to international artists reach is an endless playlist of 3D sonic art from around the world, reflecting the vast range of contemporary sonic arts practice, played through a specifically installed 16 channel ambisonic (3D) sound system. 8 December – A special workshop led by composer Marcin Pietruszewski allows participants to use Supercollider software to.. Read More
place overview
15–29 November – Complimenting the Georgian history of the building, Disinformation’s installation The Analysis of Beauty is based upon William Hogarth’s thesis of the same name. Hogarth, fascinated by ‘Serpentine Lines’, argued that ‘S’ shaped lines were active, lively and stimulating and therefore beautiful. As Serpentine lines correspond to what we today call sinusoidal waves, a fundamental visual form derived from mathematics and from musical acoustics, these lines present numerous.. Read More